Happy, happy birthday to my dearest "Gram." She's 86 today, and we just celebrated at her place with dinner and this cake. In a nutshell, here is why I think my Gram is the best...
I've always looked up to her, for so many reasons. I'm in awe of her crossword puzzle, Scrabble and card-playing skills...she has the most extensive vocabulary of anyone I've known, yet she's not snooty about it. She loves learning, and has been a long-time volunteer for
PEO, an organization that promotes education for women (they gave me a scholarship and a loan too, thank you very much!) Though Gram's very modest about her artistic skills, she's got a creative spirit for sure, and has a lot to do with why I do what I do today. When I was a kid, we made paperdolls, watched birds, played dress-up, went to museums and the theater (saw
Robert Goulet in South Pacific!), and had many, many sleepovers. So, I still think my Gram is one of the super-coolest ladies in the whole wide world. I got so lucky to get her in the grandma lottery...I really hit the jackpot.
When I was little and it was time for good-bye, my Gram would always turn her back to me, look over her shoulder and say, "Don't look back!" I think that's a good philosophy in life, and it's good to be reminded of that today.
So, just wanted to give a cyber shout-out to my Gram on her birthday. She's not really into fancy, newfangled technology, so she won't see this. But that's okay cuz she already knows how much I adore her. xoxo Gram!

This is Gram, my grandfather (who I never got to meet), my mom (left), and my uncle (right). My mom was born in Hawaii when my grandfather was stationed there...he was a military doctor.

Here's me playing dress-up at Gram's house...this was my mom's wedding dress.

And here's me as a bride again, officially. Gram's in the middle and my mom's on the right. Have I ever mentioned how awesome my wedding photographer/friend
Donna Von Bruening is ??? She gave Jeff and me the gift of her photography for our wedding (as if her gift of friendship is not enough). She shot Jeff's sister's wedding, and she's shooting
Jeff's brother's wedding in October (can't wait!).

And my Gram gave me this necklace to wear on my wedding day. It was more perfect than anything I could have picked out, and meant so much more.

And here we are today, 3 generations.